Choosing a school for your child is a very important decision. We hope you have been able to find answers to many of your questions on the website but if you would still like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always very happy to hear from parents. Feel free to email us with your queries:

  • Apply now for entry into Years 10, 11, and 12 for the 2025 academic year.

Thank you for your interest in applying for enrolment at Josiah College.

As this process involves a number of steps, we have outlined a summary below, to assist you in understanding what is involved and to hopefully answer some questions you may have.

The stepped process includes:

  • The Enrolment Application Form is completed and all information provided as requested by a due date
  • Confirmation by the College that the documentation has been received and date of requested attendance by applicant (grade and year) confirmed.
  • Interview and Familiarisation Process
  • Decision letter making Offer/Non-offer forwarded to parents by due date
  • Acceptance/Refusal letter from parents provided by due date
  • Contract of Enrolment agreed to by both parties.
Step 1 - Initial Enquiry
Step 2 - Application and Timing
Step 3 - Familiarisation Process
Step 4 - The Interview
Step 5 - Offer
Step 6 - Acceptance of the Offer
Step 7 - The Contract Agreement

Step 1 - Initial Enquiry

Initial Enquiry 

Step 2 - Application and Timing

1. Completion of Application Forms

All documentation must be completed and received by the College with Essential Documentation* before an application for enrolment can proceed.

Upon receipt of all documentation, The Registrar will:

  • acknowledge receipt of the completed Application
  • ensure the non-refundable application fee is processed and receipted.
  • check current class vacancies
  • place student’s name on waiting list, if applicable

2. *Essential Documentation

The following documentation (or documentation equivalent and able to provide the same depth of information) will be required, without all documentation, the application cannot be processed:

a) All reports, including a current report (not more than 12 months old) from APHRA approved:

  • A registered paediatrician,
  • a Psychiatrist,
  • a neurologist, or
  • a registered clinical psychologist.

b) All such reports will be from professionals with appropriate clinical experience that clearly states:

  • the ASD diagnosis,
  • specifying the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5, 2013).
  • current report stating the functional impact of the diagnosis

c) Reports are to include:

  • specific details of the nature of the disorder
  • examples of how the disability affects the child’s verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction, and
  • how that impacts on the child’s ability to learn.

d) A full cognitive assessment, not more than 3 years old. Eg. WISC, WIPSII

e) Documentation that shows the student is currently verified or evidence that the student meets Students with Disability criteria for the school to receive financial assistance from the government

f) Past two years school reports

3. Time Frames for Documentation

As part of the Enrolment process the College will request and parents will need to provide copies of all documentation, diagnosis, school and other professional reports relevant to the child’s abilities and needs*. These are required in order to assist with the processing of the Application in a timely manner and within set time frames. Parents will need to comply with these time- frames and expectations to prevent their application from stalling.

*Full and frank disclosure is required to form the basis of a valid legally binding Contract of Enrolment.

Any assessments or specialist reports required will be at the parents’ expense.

Step 3 - Familiarisation Process

Should a vacancy be available or pending, the Registrar will organise a suitable time to allow the Head of College to arrange and conduct an observation / assessment of the student’s needs, skills and behaviours within the child’s current educational setting.

Step 4 - The Interview

Should a vacancy be available or pending, the Registrar will organise a suitable time to allow the Executive Principal or his delegate and the Head of College to interview the family.

Step 5 - Offer

The decision whether or not to make an Offer of enrolment will be determined by the Principal.

NB. All enrolments are offered subject to full and frank disclosure of all information which may be relevant to the education of the student. In its discretion, the College reserves the right to not offer or defer the offer of enrolment of any student, if the parents have withheld information pertaining to their child, or having been aware of their child’s specific educational needs have not declared those needs. Withholding relevant information will entitle the College to cancel an enrolment, even after the student has commenced at the College.

Step 6 - Acceptance of the Offer

For an offer of enrolment to be valid, the following must take place:

  • the offer must be accepted in writing by the due date (usually 7 days);
  • all enrolment monies as specified must be paid by the due date.

Failure to accept the offer within the required time may result in the position being re-offered to other students waiting for entry into the College.

Step 7 - The Contract Agreement

Both parties sign the enrolment Contract creating between them a mutual commitment to abide by the conditions therein.

We look forward to receiving your enrolment application, and the potential of partnering with you to help meet your child’s educational needs.